The Philosophy of History:
Exploring Creation & History

Welcome to my "old-school" site!!!
*We will work hard to keep this page mostly updated but please take and share anything you would like from it and hopefully this site will at least serve as a good "holistic" place to start for the truth of Christianity and why it matters (believer or not). **We also look very forward to seeing you at our museum in Eureka Springs: 
**Likely this website will expire in 2026 so wishing you all a blessed 2024 and beyond!!! 
 Hot off the press!!! The un-edited version of The Spiritual Stages (which should be invaluable information for the spiritual seeker (which includes all of us whether we're religious or not):   (either way, this most recent work is now complete). Take of it what you will and I bid you a Happy 2024 as I look to dissapear Summer 2024) -  For whatever reason I could not get this old-school website to download the PDF for free; the best I could do was link it to the eBook version. Apologies but I guess if you really care you'll come up with the $1.99 to read it? :o)
Click Here - For a printable 12-page document on Christian education and your rights
October 28th 2022 - Truth Seekers Summit live-streamed from Jamaica: 
CRAZY - 2020 We had approximately 10,000 views in our series of videos from May thru November 2020. For your viewing pleasure they are all listed below. We hope to see you at either L'Abri NWA, the History Museum or the Art Gallery now and in the future. *Yes this site looks like it is stuck in the 1990s b/c I think that's when I first built it; I will try and update it periodically (most likely quarterly): 
Dr. Russell Humphreys (Cosmology and Physics - Creation)
Dr. John Baumgardner (Geo-Physics - Noah's Flood)
Dr. John Sanford (Genetics - Adam & Eve)
Jay Seegert (Creation Science and why it matters today)
Dr. Lydia McGrew (Philosopher - Accuracy of the New Testament writings)
A quick overview I did at a university in 2019:

Please contact us for a speaking engagement or just helping your study-group or church setup with a ton of FREE materials on keeping your youth engaged and having reasons "for" the truths of Christianity in 2019.  We only exist to help equip individuals, groups or churches for knowing why Christianity is true and to glorify Him. (1 Peter 3:15)​ 

*As Gary Habermas recently stated: "We have more evidence for Christianity being true than ever before but the church and its members simply don't realize this."


"Why should I care?" (Apathy) - Just watch/listen to this short video and I think you will better understand the importance therein. Second video: The Church in "Intellectual Neutral" summarizes itself. :o)

​Christians have the truth so there is nothing to be afraid of but we also cannot bury our heads in the sand. Nearly 2/3 of teens today lose their faith when they go to college simply because they were NOT prepared when they left the house. This simple website is not meant to be a complete set of all answers to your questions but as a starting point. I did not grow up going to church but after finishing degrees in philosophy of religion and a masters in ancient history, with my published Masters thesis The Philosophy of History, I have debated these topics with a plethora of different PhDs, atheists groups, etc. and after all of this I am more convinced than ever that Christianity is true and provides objective meaning to our lives and existence. After living in New York City for some time, my wife and I returned to the mid-west and now run a coffee-shop/Art Gallery as well as a Creation History museum (along with my work with Logos Research Associates) simply in the hopes of sharing some of these truths.

*Some topics (like mechanisms for a global flood) I find competing views equally plausible, so I have included both my colleagues' work on Catastrophic plate tectonics as well as somewhat differing views by Walt Brown because my goal is to encouraging "critical thinking" as well as a pointing to the truth of what CS Lewis coined "Mere Christianity", not to be dogmatic about one specific set of details on a given topic. 

**Please email me for a FREE copy of my published works or get it for less than $1.99 at:  OR get my simplified version for $0.99 cents (or contact me and I'll send you one for FREE):

How to utilize this site and the pages to the left:

  1. First - you will find "Faith Under Fire" videos which show quick snipits between a Christian and a non-Christian debating (only about 10 minutes each) to help you understand the challenges that will be thrown at you and your children in a growingly hostile world. *These videos will introduce you and your students/children to some of the various attacks against Christianity, God and the Bible and show why these attacks are weak and mostly without any warrant at all. 
  2. Secondly - you will find various headings on the tabs to the left such as "Does God Exist", "Philosophy and God", "Evolution and God", etc. that will give you some basic information, videos, etc. to better understand these concepts; as well as being able to articulate them to your students. (Keep in mind that these concepts at a basic level are quite easy to understand so do not worry if there are some areas that you better understand than others and know that I am always only an email away as needed for any help I may offer.)
  3. Thirdly - I have several "Debates/Dialogues" setup simply because this is the "real-world" we live in and we MUST equip our children (and ourselves) to better face a hostile world; we have the truth so what do we have to fear? (This coming from someone who has debated many various groups on the topics)
  4. Lastly - I have a few areas for those of you who are wishing for more "academic freedom" within the public sphere for your children. Though public education is becoming increasingly hostile to theism, if we equip our children appropriately as well as debate/reach-out in a loving way to our school officials we may still be able to turn the helm of public education before it finally crashes in a sea of relativism...

While no website or group can be everything to everyone, we do have over 50 experts in the field at Logos Research Associates so if I (James) can't answer let's say questions you have on some geological aspect of Noah's Flood, we have almost a dozen PhD geologists that we can reach out to, setup a conference, etc. on the truths of Noah's Flood, so keep in mind that while we all may have subtle differences we all attest to the truth of Christianity and are here to serve. 

*The secular/naturalistic side should be equally concerned about the dumbing-down effect that secularism (especially naturalism) has had on public school education and the university, as well as overall IQ levels ever since the so-called Flynn-effect has more than doubled the reversal rate from the late 1960s thru today. 

Please let me know if you have any questions at all:

More technical MA thesis (above) or abbreviated version (below): Both for a $1 on Amazon eBook or I will send you a FREE copy:


Short book defending why YEC is stronger in many respects to that of OEC and why it matters (even if the Christian approaches it as an agnostic towards the exact dating). Not to be antagonistic at all towards OEC but just to look in greater detail on what YEC is and is not in 2020 as we look for greater comradery between all groups. Part of a larger project I have been working on:

 Just released!!! (check Amazon for details or free PDF:


***Also - we have a Biblical History museum that is open free of charge to the public that provides a ton of real-life examples from Genesis, a global flood, cosmology, old/new testament accuracy, and more. (See Museum page to the left for more detail and I will be more than happy to open up the museum for any groups or individuals who want to use it with a group of friends, skeptics, students, etc. *Also please remember that we are in partnership with the Great Passion Play so not only do we have our Museum there, but we have a top of the line Bible Museum (with first editions of all the major bibles), an incredible Art museum (with pieces dating back to the 9th century), Holy Land tour (with life-size tabernacle, 1st century mock village, and more) as well as the Play itself and much much more!!! (We are here for you:

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